The Vision is Connection

Because Art Thrives in Community


MFA:NW strengthens connections between artists and communities beyond historically arts-oriented metropolitan areas through a bi-annual juried exhibition of the work of recent MFA graduates from the Northwest.


Our commitment to inclusion is the reason that the Northwest is broadly defined. It’s why there isn’t a list of specific MFA focuses that are eligible. If you have received an MFA from an institution in the Northwest in the last two years, you are welcome to submit work for the MFA:NW jury to consider.

Inclusion is also the reason for holding the series of MFA:NW exhibitions outside arts-rich metropolitan centers. Because smaller communities need art too - and have a lot to offer artists in return. 


The series of MFA:NW exhibitions offers up-and-coming artists a professional experience with an accompanying catalog and series of programming events. The exhibitions offer communities the opportunity to experience the newest art that the Northwest has to offer.